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Salutz Tools Guide, v0.6.7

Table of Contents

1. Overview

Salutz Tools are a series of un-encrypted, free and open source Vectorscript Plug-In Objects for use in Vectorworks software, primarily for use by theatrical designers and technicians.

All objects have normal Vectorworks parameters for X & Y coordinates and rotation. Objects must be on the Layer Plane (not Screen Plane) to use the Z coordinate.

See README file for installation and license information.

2. Text+Box Object


Text+Box is a point-object that places a user defined text label and draws 1 or 2 rectangles around the text, automatically adjusting the rectangle size based on text size.



User Editable Attributes


Fill and Pen may be set on a per-object basis via the VW Attribute Palette. Hatches, Gradients, etc. may be used, but can not have local settings per object.


Font options can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box. Change color by using the Text Color Paramenter and object Pen Color.




Offset to outer edge

Gap from the inner rectangle to the outer rectangle.

Pad to Text

Gap from the text to the inner rectangle.

Use Rounded Rectangles?

Draws both rectangles as rounded rectangles.

Inner Rectangle?

Toggles visibility of the inner rectangle. If visible, the inner rectangle will always have a white fill and a line style set by the Inner Rectangle Line Style parameter.

Inner Rectangle Line Style

Choices: Solid, Dashed, Dashed Spaced, Dotted, None.

Inner Rectangle Duplicates

Draws between 1 and 4 duplicate rectangles within the gap between Inner and Offset rectangles.

Text Color

Choose whether text should be Black, White, or Follow Object Pen Color.


Choose whether the object's insertion point is at its Center or at the tip of the Arrow.

Arrow Placement

Options: No Arrow, Left, Right, Top, Bottom

Arrow Scale (Separate Length & Width)

Scaled as 1 = 100% scale, 2 = 200% scale, etc.

3. DoubleBox Object


DoubleBox is a rectangle-object that draws two inset rectangles and can place Label and Notes text in the object.

Note: Inner rectangle will always have a solid, white fill and a thin line with linetype set by the Inner Rectangle Line Style unless Inner Rectangle Line Style is set to Cut-Out.



User Editable Attributes


Fill and Pen may be set on a per-object basis via the VW Attribute Palette. Hatches, Gradients, etc. may be used, but can not have local settings per object.


Font options can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box. Change color by using the Text Color Paramenter and object Pen Color. Notes text size is set by Notes Text Size Parameter.


The object has the standard 8 Vectorworks handles for re-shaping with the mouse.




Offset Direction

  • Inward:

    draws the rectangles inward from the object handles and Height / Width.

  • Outward:

    draws the rectangles outward from the object handles and Height / Width. (ie. The object draws larger than that size specified).

Use Rounded Rectangle?

Draws both rectangles as rounded rectangles.

Offset to outer edge

Gap from the inner rectangle to the outer rectangle.

Pad to Contents

Gap from the contents to the inner rectangle.

Text Color

Choose whether text should be Black, White, or Follow Object Pen Color.

Inner Rectangle Line Style

Choices: Solid, Dashed, Dashed Spaced, Dotted, None, Cut-Out.

Inner Rectangle Duplicates

Draws between 1 and 4 duplicate rectangles within the gap between Inner and Offset rectangles.

Show Label Text

Label Text

Label Container

Choices: None, Underline, Box.

Label Position

Places Label Text at one of the following positions. Alignment is always set to centered.

  • Inside
  • Outside
  • Pad: In the middle of the gap between Inner rectangle and contents.
  • Offset: In the middle of the gap between Offset and Inner rectangles.

Show Notes Text

Note Text Size

Note Horiz. Align

Choices: Left, Center, Right, Justify.

Resize Box to Note?

  • None: Draws box at user specified size.
  • Box Expands to Note Height: If Note is larger than the box height, box will automatically increase in height to fit Note text inside the box boundary.
  • Box Follows Note Height: Box will increase or decrease its height to match the height of the Note text.

Click here to edit notes

This brings up a dialog box to edit the notes text.

  • Alignment is set to left-aligned in the dialog box, but will align on drawing based on Note Horiz. Align parameter.
  • Newline/paragraph breaks are allowed.
  • Tabs may be entered on a Mac with key sequence <Alt>-<Shift>-<Tab>.
  • Currently limited to 2,047 characters.

Notes Tab Size (Page)

This sets the width of tab characters in the Notes text. The object is set to default to 1/2" because that is the spacing the VW dialog box shows as a default.

Tab characters may be entered on a Mac with key sequence <Alt>-<Shift>-<Tab>.

Bullet Lists may be entered on a Mac with <Alt>-<Tab>.

NOTE: This functionality is not tested on Windows.

4. Lineset Label Object


Lineset Label is a point-object that inserts a bi-directional label for creating lineset schedules on a drawing.



User Editable Attributes


Sets the color of the Type flag. This can be useful for using class coloring for different types of positions/departments.


Sets the color of the Purpose. This can be useful for using class coloring for different types of positions/departments.

Lineweight can be set by the user.


Font typeface can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box. All other font attributes (aside from color) are dictated by the object.


LS #

A text string for the lineset number. It is set as a string to allow for letter modifiers (eg. "Lineset 25a").

The Spotlight Numbering Command can be used to automatically number this field.


Sets whether label points left or right.


The Name or Label or contents of the Lineset.


Dropdown list of common departments that might put equipment on linesets. This information does not display on the drawing; it is mainly used for displaying in worksheet summaries.

If the field is set to LX, the Purpose field will be bolded.

Custom Load Depth

If this field in non-zero, it will draw a box extension past the point of the label. This can serve as a visual guide if a particular hanging piece would block nearby battens or cause interference.

Use Object Y position for Plasterline Distance?

Distance from PL

This field is only used if Use Object Y position for Plasterline Distance? is deselected.

Use Object Z position for Trim?

If Object Z is 0", value does not display on drawing.


This field is only used if Use Object Z position for Trim? is deselected. If Trim is 0", value does not display on drawing.

Show in 3D views?


Set the weight load of the lineset as a number. This value will only appear on the drawing if it is non-zero.

Weight Units

Units used for the weight load (ie. lbs, kg, bricks).


Any additional notes for the lineset. This information does not display on the drawing; it is mainly used for displaying in worksheet summaries.

5. Position Label Object


Position Label is a point-object that inserts a multi-directional label for labeling hanging positions/truss/etc for lighting and audio applications.



User Editable Attributes


Sets the color of the decorative arrow shape and the color/linetype of the Leader Line.


Font typeface can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box. All other font attributes are dictated by the object.


Label Style

Choices: Regular, Bubble, Small, or Micro

Sets the size and style of the label.

Position Name

Note: In Small and Micro styles, if Position Name is more than 2 characters it will overshoot the edges of the object, therefore the text will be scaled down to fit inside the circle. In Regular and Bubble styles the shape is responsive to Position Name length.

Name Color

Choose whether text should be Black, White, or Follow Object Pen Color. This will only be available as a choice when Label Style is not Regular.

NOTE: This can cause text to render invisible eg. white text on a white background.

Show Inner Bubble?

This will only be available as a choice when Label Style is not Regular.

Show z-Trim Height

Draws an extra line of text with "TRIM@ " and the z-coordinate height of the object.

Show in 3D views?

Text Line 1

A line of text for user notes.

Text Line 2

Another line of text for user notes.

Label Direction

Choose left-pointing, right-pointing, or centered-line.

Use Leader Line?

Engages a leader line from the object to a point set by the user with the mouse. Potentially useful if the label has to be a fair distance from the hanging position.


In addition to the size/styles in Label Style, the object can be individually scaled to user preference.

Drawing Usage

Choices: Plot, Section, or Other. Used for worksheets or Custom Selection to differentiate what the label is being used for.

Wrap Text?

Text Wrap Width

If Wrap Text? is engaged, sets the width of text wrap for all text lines.

6. Boom Marker Object


Boom Marker is a point-object that inserts a compass style directional label for labeling vertical hanging positions.



User Editable Attributes


Sets the Pen color of the Label text, Label Container, and the directional arrows. Fill sets the fill of the Label Container. All other Fill/Pen attributes are dictated by the object.


Font typeface can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box. The object's font size affects the size of the Label text. All other font attributes are dictated by the object.



Label Container

Choices: None, Underline, Rectangle, or Bubble.

Label Pen Color

Choose whether text should be Black, White, or Follow Object Pen Color.

NOTE: This can cause text to render invisible eg. white text on a white background.

"West" Label

The text on the "West"/Left side of the label compass.

"East" Label

The text on the "East"/Right side of the label compass.

"South" Label

IF South Label is left blank the "South"/Downward arrow will not be drawn.

Dimension From

If not blank, adds "DIMENSION FROM: <user text>" text under compass.


If not blank, adds "NOTE: <user text>" text under compass.

7. Simple Softgoods Object


Simple Softgoods is a point-object that inserts a simple 2D/3D hanging softgood or scenic object, generally for placing on battens. At the moment Simple Softgoods do not associate with Vectorworks rigging objects.



User Editable Attributes


User Fill/Pen affects the object. Label and Opening properties can be customized via Opening/Portal Line Style, Label Text Color, and Label Background Color parameters.


Font typeface, size, and style can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box.



Horizontal Length


Horizontal width of the opening.

Vertical Height

Overall height of the object.

Portal Header Height

This specifies the distance from the top of the object to the top of the portal opening.

Opening/Portal Line Style

Choices: Solid, Dashed, Dashed Spaced, Dotted, None.


Drawn depth of the object. To draw a simple line, set this to 0".

Material Type

This makes no visual difference in 2D.

  • Soft: Draws the 3D with a taper to the top (triangle in section).
  • Hard: Draws the 3D with a square top (rectangle in section).

Hang Position in Depth

Allows positioning the object offset from the hanging position based on a percentage of the object's depth. For example: a scenic piece with a Depth of 2ft is hung from a batten, but 6inches are downstage of the batten and 18inches are upstage of the batten. A value of 0.25 would accomplish this while allowing the plug-in object to maintain a Y position that matches the batten.

Must be a value between 0 and 1. 0.5 sets the hang to the center of the object.

Label Text Color

Choices: Black or Follow Object Color

Label Background Color

Choices: White, Follow Object Color, or None (ie. no fill).

Label Position

Choices: Center, Legs, or Both.


8. LED Tape Object


LED Tape is a path-object that allows the user to draw and edit a poly-line with the normal Vectorworks methods, calculates length and wattage, and places Type/Channel/Address labels along the length of the polyline.



User Editable Attributes


Fill/Pen attributes only affect the polyline drawing. All other Fill/Pen attributes are dictated by the object.


Font typeface and style can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box. Text size is set by the Text Label Height parameter. All other font attributes are dictated by the object.


Type of Tape (Label)



These values will be combined into a single label with the format:

Type of Tape (Channel) [Address]

If any field is left blank, that field and its parentheses/brackets will be excluded from the drawn label. Labels are placed at the midpoint between two polyline vertices. For curves, Cubic Spline or Radius (Point on Arc) are recommended.

Type of Tape (Long)

This parameter is an additional field for a more detailed description of the type of tape. This information does not display on the drawing; it is mainly used for displaying in worksheet summaries.

Text Label Height

Set text height as a dimension, eg. 2".

Tape Width

Sets the width of the LED Tape polyline on the drawing. If set to 0", the drawing will default to 12mm.

Note: The Tape Width parameter is a dimension. This means that you can enter a value of inches or millimeters, regardless of your document units setting. Simply type 1.5in or 12mm into the field.

Watts per Length Unit

Length Unit

Note: The Length Unit parameter is a dimension. This means that you can enter a value of feet (1') or meters (1m), regardless of your document units setting.

Total Tape Length

This is calculated by the object and can not be edited.

Total Wattage

This is calculated by the object and can not be edited.

9. MagicSheet Header Object


MagicSheet Header is a point-object for creating lighting magic sheets on a sheet layer or a 1:1 design layer. It is intended as a label for a system of channels on a magic sheet.



User Editable Attributes


Sets the color of the box around the text. Gradients and Tiles may be used (eg. for RGB or CMY systems), but local settings per object are unreliable.


Font typeface can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box. All other font attributes are dictated by the object.



Label for the lighting system (eg. Front, Side, Practicals, etc).


Label for the gel color or color-mixing method for that system of fixtures.

Note: this does not automatically change the color of the box around the text. That must be set by the Fill or Pen Attribute.


Note: A value of 1 equals 100% scale. By default the object is drawn to be 2 inches wide.

10. MagicSheet Number Object


MagicSheet Number is a point-object for creating lighting magic sheets on a sheet layer or a 1:1 design layer. It is intended as a label for channels or groups.



User Editable Attributes


Fill may be set on a per-object basis via the VW Attribute Palette. Pen affects the text color. All other Pen attributes are set by the plug-in object.

If Style is Invert Bold, all colors will be set by the plug-in object.


Font typeface and size can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box. All other font attributes are dictated by the object.



The channel or group number. Does support decimal values for multi-cell fixtures. The Spotlight Numbering Command can be used to automatically number this field.


A value before the channel number to allow labeling (eg. Groups) without interfering with automatic-numbering.


A value after the channel number to allow labeling without interfering with automatic-numbering.


Choices: Plain, Bold, Invert Bold


Draws a container around the number value. The container re-sizes as the value gets longer/shorter. Choices: None, Rectangle, Circle, Oval, North, South, East, West.


Places accompanying label text on the drawing for a list style magic sheet.

Label Text Color

Choices: Black or Follow Object Color.

Label Fill Color

Choices: White or Follow Object Color.

Label Scale

Adjusts Label text as a percentage of the Number text size.

Label Position

Choices: Right or Left.

Distance to Label

Gap distance from Number to Label.

11. RackObject Object


RackObject is a point-object for drawing 19" A/V racks for mounting gear. Built to interface with RackEquip plug-in objects. RackObject will re-draw/re-size based on the Number of Rack Spaces parameter.



User Editable Attributes


Sets the attributes of the frame around the Rack Object. Pen also sets the color of the Rack Name/ID text.


Font attributes of the Rack Name can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box. The space numbers are affected by the changes in typeface, but no other attributes including size because they are scaled to fit in 1 rack space to avoid overlap.


Note: Rack uses the bottom of the bottom-most rack space as its origin point and draws upward. If you change the frame size or number of rack spaces, you will likely have to check its alignment with other racks.

Rack Name/ID

Rack ID Position

Choices: None, Top, or Bottom

Number of Rack Spaces

Number Spaces From

Choices: Bottom or Top

Front or Back?

Added to the Rack label on drawing. Choices: blank, Front, Rear

Frame Size

Specifies the outside offset drawn from the rack spaces in inches, not the overall width or height.

Show Rack Space Numbers

Choices: None, Left, Right, Both

12. RackEquip Object


RackEquip is a point-object for drawing rack-mounted gear. Built to interface with RackObject plug-in objects. RackEquip will pick up its Rack ID and Position in Rack parameters from the RackObject it is placed over. However, it will not automatically move or rotate with its parent RackObject, they must be selected and moved together.



User Editable Attributes


Sets the fill of Rack Ears or whole unit based on Object color affects attribute.


Sets the color of the text labels.


  • Font typeface can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box.
  • Style changes (Bold, Italic, etc) affect the Manufacturer & Model but not the Purpose.
  • Size will attempt to follow the user text size settings, but the plug-in will scale the text to fit inside the equipment.


Purpose Label



Number of Rack Spaces

Note: Uses the top of the equipment piece as its origin point.


Choices: Full, Half, Quarter, Fifth.

Half width will render a -L or -R at the end of Position in Rack depending on whether it is on the left or right side of the rack.

Quarter or Fifth will add a decimal point number to the end of Position in Rack based on left/right position.

Object color affects

Choices: Rack Ears Only or Entire Object

Rack ID


Automatically finds the Rack Object it is placed in and displays its ID. Objects must be on the same layer and may not be in a Symbol.

Can be useful for Custom Selection and Worksheet displays.

Position in Rack


Automatically finds its position in the Rack Object and displays the space number. Objects must be on the same layer and may not be in a Symbol.

Can be useful for Custom Selection and Worksheet displays.

13. SBD Family

SBD Objects are for use in preparing a System Block Diagram for audio, video, or networking systems. They are intended for use in design layers, with the intention of using viewports and sheet layers for printing/exporting.

SBD Group.png


Size in SBD Objects uses the following convention for Size fields:

  • Regular = 12 inches
  • Small = 9 inches
  • Micro = 6 inches (This also applies to USITT style objects)

14. SBD Device Object


SBD Device is a point-object for drawing a general piece of equipment in an SBD drawing.



User Editable Attributes


All attributes are set by the object.


Font typeface can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box.



Choices: Console, Rack, Multi, FX Process, Mixer, DAC, Computer, Com, Amp, Other

Header Size

Sets the height of the object box and dictates which parameter fields are placed on the drawing.

Column Width


  • Double:Standard two columns for inputs and outputs.
  • Single:One column, ideal for a Pass Thru configuration.
  • Break:Draws a break line at the selected position to indicate multiple instances of this piece of equipment.
    • Bottom
    • Left
    • Right





Precedes the ID#.



IP Address

Size of Spaces

Affects the size of spaces drawn under the Device header. These spaces are for placement of SBD In-Out Objects.

Number of Spaces


Show Notes on Drawing?

15. SBD In-Out Object


SBD In-Out is a point-object for drawing the inputs or outputs of a piece of equipment in an SBD drawing.



User Editable Attributes


All attributes are set by the object.


Font typeface can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box.



Choices: Input, Output, Header, Spacer, Thru




Precedes the ID#.


Routing Label Class


Purpose Label Class

Parent Device

NOTE: This field is filled by the object based on the SBD Device boundary that the SBD In-Out object is placed within.


Note: This field does not appear on the drawing. It is mainly used for worksheets or Custom Selection.


16. SBD Amp Object


SBD Amp is a point-object for drawing an amplifier in an SBD drawing.



User Editable Attributes


Fill/Pen affects the Model label text. All other attributes are set by the object.


Font typeface can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box.



Automatically set to 'Amp'.

Number of Channels

SBD Amp will re-draw with the specified number of channels at Size: Regular.





Precedes the ID#.



IP Address


Show Notes on Drawing?

17. SBD Speaker-Mic Object


SBD Speaker-Mic is a point-object for drawing a speaker, microphone, or signal source in an SBD drawing.



User Editable Attributes


All attributes are set by the object.


Font typeface can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box.



Choices: Speaker, Microphone, Source.



Precedes the ID#.



Active or Passive


Purpose Label Class


Not shown on drawing.

18. SBD Flyoff


SBD Flyoff is a point-object for drawing a flyoff indicator in an SBD drawing.



User Editable Attributes


All attributes are set by the object.


Font typeface can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box.



Currently Flyoff is the only choice. This is being held for possible future expansion.


Choices: Regular, Small, or Micro

Note: currently Regular and Small draw the same shape on the drawing. This may have more options in a future expansion.



Precedes the ID#.



19. SBD Line Object


SBD Line is a point-object which draws a multi-segment polyline between two points. It has 3 ControlPoint handles to set the begin-point, the end-point, and the position at which with line curves in the middle. The beginning point is also the origin point of the object.



User Editable Attributes


Sets all relevant pen attributes of the drawn line except for beginning & end markers.


Corner Style

Note: all styles adjust their sizing to fit in the geometry of their path.

  • Square:

    Right-angle square curves

  • Rounded:

    Rounded curves

Initial Rounded Radius

Start to Midpoint Distance

Corresponds to the middle ControlPoint handle. Useful as a measurement or to type in a value when using the handle would not be most effective (eg. adjusting multiple selected lines at once).

Start to Endpoint Distance

Corresponds to the end ControlPoint handle. Useful as a measurement or to type in a value when using the handle would not be most effective (eg. adjusting multiple selected lines at once).

Beginning Marker

Sets the style of the Beginning Marker.

Choices: None, Dot, Arrow, Box

# of Beginning Duplicates

Creates multiple inputs at the beginning of the line for instances where multiple sources are combining. Use positive numbers to place duplicates above the line start point and use negative numbers to place duplicates under.

Beginning Duplicates Size

Choices: Regular, Small, Micro.

Ending Marker

Sets the style of the Ending Marker.

Choices: None, Dot, Arrow, Box

# of End Duplicates

Creates multiple inputs at the end of the line for instances where multiple sources are splitting. Use positive numbers to place duplicates above the line end point and use negative numbers to place duplicates under.

End Duplicates Size

Choices: Regular, Small, Micro.

20. SBD Path Object


SBD Path is a path-object that allows the user to draw and edit a poly-line with the normal Vectorworks methods. The plug-in object just takes care of the beginning and end markers and stylizing the corners based on the Corner Style parameter.

SBD Path largely exists for situations where a SBD Line object is insufficient for a task, and more complicated geometry or control is needed.



User Editable Attributes


Sets all relevant pen attributes of the drawn line except for beginning & end markers.


Corner Style

Note: all styles adjust their sizing to fit in the geometry of their path.

  • Square:

    Right-angle square curves

  • Rounded:

    Rounded curves

Initial Rounded Radius

Beginning Marker

Sets the style of the Beginning Marker.

Choices: None, Dot, Arrow, Box

Ending Marker

Sets the style of the Ending Marker.

Choices: None, Dot, Arrow, Box

21. Survey 3D Object


Survey 3D is a point-object that allows the user to calculate one or two points in 3D space based on measurements (likely taken with a laser distance meter) in order to locate hanging positions or architectural features in 3D space while only having access to a limited amount of a stage deck.

  • Measurement point placements can be set to negative values to flip the side of the origin point on which they are placed.
  • Make sure Vectorworks Preferences>Display>Display 3D Loci is set correctly to allow the result points to display properly in 3D.
  • Result points will not be drawn until all related measurements and distances have non-zero values.
  • It is not recommended to rotate the object. While the point may still be drawn correctly in space, the measurements and coordinates will not be accurate.
    • Measure 1 is set at the origin of the object.
    • Measure 2 is set on the Y-axis on the opposite side of Measure 1 from the result points.
    • Measure 3 is set on the X-axis if Measurement Style is set to Off Axis.


User Editable Attributes


Fill and Pen may be set on a per-object basis via the VW Attribute Palette. Hatches, Gradients, etc. may be used, but can not have local settings per object. 3D Guide Lines receive their color from the Fill attribute, while 3D Loci receive color from the Pen attribute.


Font options can be changed by altering the text attributes of the object via the Text menu or the Format Text box. Alignment is set to Center by the object.





This will be drawn over the result points to differentiate between multiple Survey 3D objects.

Measurement Style

  • On Axis

    This style only uses Measure 1 & 2 to locate result points that are directly in-line and on-axis in the Y plane with those two points.

  • Off Axis

    This style uses all three Measure points, and can locate result points that are anywhere in 3D space with a Z-height greater than the Measure points.

Number of Result Points

Choices: 1 or 2. The 2 points can be useful when trying to describe multiple points on an object without having to re-measure. Examples would be the two ends of a hanging pipe or the two extreme sightlines of a balcony seating area.

Draw 3D Guide Lines?

Draw Coordinates?

Dist Measure 1 to Point 1

Dist Measure 1 to Point 2

Measure 2 Y Dist

Placement of Measure 2 from Measure 1

Dist Measure 2 to Point 1

Dist Measure 2 to Point 2

Measure 3 X Dist

Placement of Measure 3 from Measure 1

Dist Measure 3 to Point 1

Dist Measure 3 to Point 2

Result Points 1 & 2

Note: These values are set by the object.

Displays the coordinates of the resulting points.

  • If not all necessary fields have a non-zero value, this will display Incomplete Dimensions.
  • If distance measurements have incompatible values, this will display ERROR! Invalid Dimensions. The same message will be placed on the drawing in red, and red spheres will be drawn in 3D to indicate that new measurements need to be taken.

These are included to help with workflow when using the Salutz Tools Plug-in Objects and integrating with Worksheet reports.

Refresh Selected

Refreshes the selected objects on the active layer with the ResetObject command. Particularly useful for getting out-of-date plug-in objects to update.

Refresh Worksheets

Refreshes and recalculates the selected worksheets on the active layer. While there is a right-click menu item for "Recalculate" and menu items for "Recalculate Active" or "All Worksheets" in the worksheet editor, this exists to quickly recalculate multiple worksheets with a simple select and menu command from the main drawing.
This also allows for custom keyboard shortcuts.

Refresh Section VP

Refreshes all Section and Elevation Viewports in the entire drawing.

Use with caution Depending on rendering options for the various viewports, this process could take a very long time. Generally most useful when dealing with a drawing with multiple Section/Elevation Design Layer Viewports (particularly referencing other files), this menu command can be a time-saver if run right after opening the file.

UnFlip Selected

Checks selected text, symbol, and plug-in objects on the active layer to see if their Flip state is true, and if so removes the Flip. This is particularly useful if you have Mirrored a collection of plug-in objects and want them to maintain their original orientation.


Initiates a hotkey process for switching/setting classes, layers and saved views. Once placed in the workspace this command can have a keyboard shortcut defined to make the process simpler.

Syntax / Tags

In order to be recalled by Hydra, Layers and Classes must have a Tag assigned to them with the syntax "Hydra-" followed by the single keyboard key the user wishes to use to recall that Layer or Class.

Saved Views must have "Hydra-<key>" somewhere in their name.

NOTE: Only one resource may be assigned to a particular key. Having multiple resources tagged with the same key can lead to unexpected results.

Step 1: Calling the Hydra Command

The Hydra command must be added to a menu in the workspace in order to be used. It can also have a keyboard shortcut assigned. On a Mac I've found that Command-semicolon is unused by Vectorworks and is fairly ergonomic.

The <Escape> key may be pressed at any time to cancel the command.

Step 2: Select Command type

Type a single key to select the action to perform. This is case-insensitive.

  • L : Switch active layer to chosen layer
  • C : Switch active class to chosen class
  • S : Assign selected objects to chosen class
  • V : Recalled Saved View

Step 3: Choose resource

Type a single key to select the resource (Layer, Class, Saved View) assigned to that key. If no resource is assigned, Hydra will deliver an error message.

Date: 2023-07-26 Wed 00:00

Author: John Salutz | John Salutz Designs | john.salutz@gmail.com